Young people taking part in a dance performance

Myth busters

Do you know your Arts Award fact from fiction?

MYTH: Arts Award is admin heavy

FACT: Actually, the process of entering young people for Arts Award is simple. Once your organisation is an Arts Award centre, there’s a single step to enter young people for the qualification via a two-page enrolment and marksheet (a small number of centres entering young people for Explore, Bronze, Silver or Gold will additionally be required to go through the moderation process).

For Arts Award Discover you just fill in a spreadsheet to tell us the names of the children or young people who should receive a certificate.

MYTH: Arts Award is just for schools

FACT: Fewer than half of Arts Award centres are formal education settings (including colleges and universities as well as state and independent schools). Almost a third are arts and cultural organisations and nearly a quarter are youth and community settings. So there are more Arts Award centres outside formal education than within!

MYTH: You have to be an artist to run Arts Award

 FACT: Anyone who works with children or young people can run Arts Award. Our Arts Award advisers include artists and arts teachers as well as non-specialist teachers and teaching assistants, youth club workers, librarians and education officers from museums, galleries, theatres, orchestras and dance schools.

Arts Award encourages partnerships with local artists and arts organisations, so if the young people you work with want to explore an art form you don't know much about, why not connect with someone who does?

MYTH: You have to do Arts Award in one art form

FACT: You can offer Arts Award in one art form, or two, or many. And the young people you work with can explore more than one art form for their Arts Award if they wish. In fact, to achieve Gold level, candidates have to try an art form that’s completely new to them, as well as their preferred one.

MYTH: My school is already doing Artsmark; doing Arts Award as well would be too much

FACT: Arts Award and Artsmark offer different benefits, and each one can support the other. Artsmark is a quality standard for schools, Arts Award is a suite of qualifications that reward young people’s individual achievements. Find out about the differences between the two here.

Many schools find that Arts Award complements Artsmark, and vice versa. For example,

  • Artsmark identifies staff training needs – Arts Award provides accessible and affordable training to staff who want to deliver these qualifications
  • Artsmark requires schools to offer students a variety of arts opportunities – Arts Award's flexible framework lends itself to a wide range of art forms and approaches
  • To gain Artsmark, schools work in partnership with arts and cultural organisations – connecting with the professional arts world is also a requirement of Arts Award
  • Parental and community engagement are an important part of the Artsmark journey – Arts Award supports this through performances, exhibitions and prize-giving ceremonies

MYTH: Arts Award doesn’t work alongside other exams or assessments

FACT: Unlike most qualifications for young people, Arts Award isn't assessed by an exam. Instead, candidates record evidence of their development and achievements in an 'arts log

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