Students drawing in school art room

Enter for Explore/Bronze/Silver/Gold

Arts Award Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold are regulated qualifications meaning that centres entering young people for these qualifications must provide the advisers’ internal assessments to Trinity. Centres can enter young people for Arts Award year-round once they have completed their internal assessments and are ready to provide young people’s details and marks.

In some instances, centres will be moderated externally by Trinity to validate the advisers’ assessments. Centres must ensure all portfolios are available for moderation at the point of entering young people for Explore/Bronze/Silver/Gold levels. All Arts Award moderations are conducted online via our portfolio submission platform.

How much does it cost?

Explore/Bronze/Silver/Gold qualifications are subject to our per-person fees. For full information and large group discounts see our Qualification fees.

Before you enter young people:

  • Young people's portfolios must be complete and accurately assessed by an Arts Award adviser trained at the respective level. Ensure you are using the most recent toolkit: 7th edition for Bronze/Silver (2023) and 6th edition for Gold (2020).
  • Collect an email address for each young person you plan on entering for Arts Award to enable us to issue the digital certificates. For young people aged under 18, you need to provide an email address for a parent/guardian.

How to enter young people for Explore/Bronze/Silver/Gold:

  • Download and complete the enrolment and marks spreadsheet with details (including email addresses) and marks for the young people whose portfolios you have assessed and wish to enter for Arts Award
  • Ensure that all young people’s details and marks entered in the enrolment and marks spreadsheet is correct and final prior to entering young people via the centre portal

For step-by-step instructions, visit the Arts Award centre operational guidance page.

For support, contact us at

What happens next?

Once you have provided the young people’s details via the centre portal, you will receive the invoice automatically via email. Invoices are sent to the person who submitted the order via the portal and the main Finance contact registered for the centre. Invoices are generated per submitted order and large group discounts are calculated and applied per order.

Always allow eight weeks from the point of providing young people’s details and marks via the centre portal to the issue of certificates in the event moderation is required. If your centre has been selected to be moderated, we will notify you shortly after you entered young people. Visit the Moderation page for information on the moderation process and associated timelines.

If your centre has not been selected to be moderated, certificates will be issued digitally to the email address provided for each young person within four weeks from the date you entered young people for Arts Award. Find out more about Arts Award certificates.

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